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Postpartum Care

Postpartum care is a cross-cultural tradition that dates back centuries.

What does this tell us? That this time has been recognized as a very sensitive time for mothers and for babies no matter location AND offers mothers a unique opportunity for healing. The common thread of these traditions and cultures is recognized as the Five Cross-Cultural Prescriptions of Postpartum Care: Warmth, Rest, Specific Food, Bodywork, & Community.

Physical & Emotional Support

Supporting new mothers with specific care can be customized to the individual and focuses on ensuring mother and baby are tended to and the family can integrate together. Support for the father (or partner) is highlighted during this time as well to create a family dynamic where all parties are exalted within their new roles.


My Support

Tending to the home

Bringing a warm meal (or meal train)


Caring for pets. 

Herbal support

Resourcing for breastfeeding, babywearing, and Elimination Communication


Emotional support is necessary for mother to process and integrate her birth. Whether through telling her story, seeking support through other women, or tending to herself on an energetic/spiritual level. This can be done as a Closing of the Bones Ceremony and other forms of honouring the mother - especially a first time mama (inquire about Mother Blessings).

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